After so much recent rain, the Easter weekend in Sydney this year was – incredibly – beautifully sunny, warm and dry. Perfect weather for riding.
We’d made plans to go for a ride with some friends on the Monday plus had quite a few non-bike activities planned for the break.
By Saturday night I found myself fretting that perhaps the brilliant weather might not last, and “I’ll miss out on a ride”.
(My, how quickly this addiction has taken hold…!)
Zorro didn’t need much arm-twisting to agree to a Sunday afternoon ride.
Day 1 – Easter Sunday – Fish’n’Chips
We headed Northwest for a change, via the freeways.
From my perch on the back, all I could see reflected in the upturned mirrors were brilliant blue skies studded with fluffy clouds.

The Pillionpassionista in the auspicious surrounds of the Woolies carpark, Windsor
We reached Richmond and realised we hadn’t eaten since an early breakfast. So we turned toward Windsor instead of Kurrajong.
After parking behind Woolies and wandering through the local craft markets, we found ourselves outside the Macquarie Arms Hotel.
There was an interesting line up of bikes parked outside, and some great Aussie rock tunes coming (live) from inside.
But the smell of oil and frying batter from across the way was more enticing.
Windsor Seafoods served up an awesome platter of fried fish’n’chips, calamari and prawn cutlets. We sat upstairs on the deck, with the place to ourselves and the sound of the band opposite to keep us entertained.
Bellies full, we turned back for home. Home for a long Sunday nap…
Day 2 – Easter Monday – Pie in the Sky
Monday arrived and the good weather held. We met up early with 4 friends on another 3 bikes and headed up to the Old Road.
Autumn is definitely upon us. It was cool enough that I needed to zip up all the air vents in my Rjays jacket.
The smell of woodsmoke was evident as we journeyed further west and into the valleys. I love the way smells hit you full-on when riding.
At the start of the Old Pacific Highway we fell in behind a police car. Hardly surprising on a holiday weekend, but still frustrating. It felt a bit like being stuck behind a pace car on Mt Panorama.
We pulled in at Pie in the Sky, rather than following them further. Pie in the Sky is another institution on the Old Road, and always attracts a variety of bikes as well as the sort of cars that are made for driving pleasure.
Pies were consumed by all before continuing north.
Zorro and I had to leave the group at Calga as we had made other plans for the afternoon. The rest of them went on to do the long circuit around Wisemans Ferry. (They reported back that it was fun, but very bumpy. My bum was spared the pain…)
It was a Happy Easter all round!
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