Finally, Zorro has picked up the new bike (a BMW K1300S) and we’re taking it out together for our first ever weekend ‘road-trip’. Zorro has already put 500kms on the clock, riding solo. And he’s already fallen in love with it. Hopefully I will feel the same… We made last-minute plans to head to the… [Read More]
How cold is too cold?
Zorro was hoping to get the new bike last week. And he was keen to go on a long ride asap. “Let’s go to Mudgee”, he said. “But it’s the middle of Winter”, I moaned. “Ha, we’ll just rug up,” he says. “Besides, the new bike has heated hand grips.” Yeah, good for the rider…. [Read More]
Two-up of another kind
Sadly, the stunning weather from Easter didn’t last through to the following weekend (another long one). ANZAC day dawned wet and our planned ride up to Mt Victoria fell through. We drove the car instead, in convoy with some other bike friends. The winding journey up Bells Line of Road is a favourite with bikers… [Read More]
Mixing it up with a multistrada
We were invited to stay down the coast at Coledale with some friends for the weekend. This was my first ‘overnight’ ride and I was fretting about how much (or little!) I could pack into the very small panniers on the S1000. As luck would have it, a friend offered us the use of his Ducati… [Read More]
Our first ride – West Head views on a Sunday
The time has come for our first ride together. Riding attire: I’m all kitted up. Kind of. I’ve got my brand spanking new helmet and teamed it up with a pair of jeans (ok, so they’re Armani), a leather jacket (admittedly, it’s only a dress jacket, but it zips up the front and sits hip-length),… [Read More]